Teach For India US
Organization background

Established in 2014, Teach For India US (TFIUS) is a US-based organization that supports Teach For India's (TFI) mission of empowering TFI with intellectual, human, and financial resources to eliminate educational equity in India.

TFI, established in 2008, and directly modeled on the Teach for America program, started its core program, the Fellowship program, with 87 Fellows in two cities of India. The main goal of the program is to bring better teaching methods to schools serving poorer children. Currently, TFI has a network of 1,000 Teaching Fellows and over 4,600 alumni across 8 major cities in India, directly serving 33,000 students from households of either daily wage earners, migrant populations, or those living in high-need communities.

Project background

TFI has developed teaching methods that align with the curriculum used in the respective schools and simply go beyond rote learning that is common in such schools. TFI recruits students from India’s best universities and workplaces, to serve as full time teachers. They are given intensive training over a period of a few weeks, and then take on the role of classroom teacher in the school. Teacher training begins with a 5-8 week intensive, residential training called the Summer Institute, where they develop pedagogical skills, leadership qualities, and gain an understanding of educational inequity. The teachers are embedded with a classroom (typically around 35 students) and move up with the students as they progress through grades.

After the training period ends, these teachers or Fellows become Alumni, and the program continues to develop the leadership of the Alumni so they can create systemic-level impact.

GKF contributions to TFIUS