Sri Bhagavad Ramanuja Millenium Foundation
Organization background

Sri Bhagavad Ramanuja Millennium Foundation (SBRMF) was established in 2016 to commemorate the 1000th birth anniversary of Sri Ramanuja, the founder of VishishtAdvaita philosophy of Sri Vaishnavism. This foundation focuses on developing and disseminating the meanings & annotated commentaries on ancient devotional literature that are used by the Hindus in their daily lives. These ancient texts are in Classical Sanskrit, Tamil and MaNi PravALam, which is a mixture of Sanskrit and Tamil.

Project background

Ancient religious texts and stotras (for chanting) are mostly memorized by practising Hindus, with little understanding of the underlying meaning due to unfamiliarity with the language. This is particularly true of Hindus who do not reside in India anymore and are more comfortable with English. However, in order to stay connected to their heritage, they are keen to understand the meanings and doctrinal basis behind these religious texts.

In order to address this need, a group of people (Sri Sadagopan and some of his colleagues), have been working on translating the meanings and commentaries of these sacred Texts to English, and making them available via the internet and social media. This effort has led to a new web portal (, which serves as an online archive of 400+ ebooks in English about the sacred texts of VisishtAdvaitic philosophy. The ebooks include the original Sanskrit/Tamil texts and their meanings as well as commentaries. Though several texts have been translated to date, many more still remain.

GKF contributions to SBRMF