Samskrita Bharati
Organization background

Samskrita Bharati (SB) is an Indian organization created with the goal of preserving and nurturing the Sanskrit language, in which a number of ancient Indian texts are written. For the last 30 years SB has been teaching and promoting Samskritam in India, USA, Canada and a number countries in Europe, Asia as well as in Australia.

SB USA is a non-profit organization in the USA established with the sole objective of teaching and spreading Samskritam language in the USA among Indo-Americans, especially children, to help continue the cultural links with the country of their origin India. SB USA conducts classes directly face-to-face and through "Distance Learning" methods. It conducts numerous workshops and camps for children, adolescents and adults. SB USA also has established and is successfully running the 3-year Samskritam as Foreign Language (SAFL) for high School students.

Project background

Project description