Organization background
Samskrita Bharati (SB) is an Indian organization created with the goal of preserving and nurturing the Sanskrit language, in which a number of ancient Indian texts are written. For the last 30 years SB has been teaching and promoting Samskritam in India, USA, Canada and a number countries in Europe, Asia as well as in Australia. SB USA is a non-profit organization in the USA established with the sole objective of teaching and spreading Samskritam language in the USA among Indo-Americans, especially children, to help continue the cultural links with the country of their origin India. SB USA conducts classes directly face-to-face and through " Distance Learning " methods. It conducts numerous workshops and camps for children, adolescents and adults. SB USA also has established and successfully running the 3-year Samskritam as Foreign Language (SAFL) for high School students.

Project background
Samskrita Bharati functions through numerous centers of which the DC Metropolitan Area chapter(s) (DC, VA and MD) is one of the significant centers of activity. In this center, among other things, SB conducts an Annual Program with the aim of spreading samskritam language, and making known SB &rsquo s activities in the area those who are not familiar thus far. During this Program SB also solicits donations to augment its meager resources. SB &rsquo s Annual program typically consists of lectures, concerts or dance performances related to Indian culture and Samskritam language. In 2014, this annual program, fifth in the series, is planned for May 9th Saturday. SB will also be publishing a Souvenir, second in its series.

Project description
GKF will pick up the cost of conducting the annual program.

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