One School At A Time
Organization background

The mission of One School At A Time (OSAAT), a volunteer-run organization, is to rebuild the infrastructure of dilapidated public schools in rural India. The motivation for rebuilding is to increase student attendance by providing a more conducive and safe environment for learning. In partnership with other nonprofits, OSAAT rebuilds both physical infrastruture -- classrooms, toilets, kitchens and clean drinking water facilities, and more recently, digital infrastructure -- setting up and supporting an e-learning environment and tools.

Project background
The digital divide between urban and rural communities in India is quite stark. Access to digital infrastructure in rural areas is minimal and, as such, digital learning technologies are inaccessible to the vast majority of school-going children.

The OSAAT Digital Infrastructure School Initiative (ODiSI) seeks to address this issue by designing, implementing and executing a digital learning platform that will bring educational content to children attending schools in rural communities.

GKF contributions to OSAAT