Organization background
Hope Abides (HA) is a U.S. based organization whose mission is to provide help and hope to orphaned and destitute children in India. HA works with established orphanages and organizations in India that (i) assist up to 200 children, (ii) who have been established long enough to have a track record of some sort, and (iii) who have support from within the local community. They look for leadership that is committed and has a vision, but needs help in moving forward. They identify potential partners through personal networks or through online research. Subsequently, they contact the potential partner and invite them to submit a short preliminary application to us based on a template they provide. These applications are reviewed by the HA Board, and organizations that pass the preliminary review are invited to complete and submit a full more detailed application. Organizations who pass the full application review are visited by a HA representative (usually a Board member), and if they pass the site visit, then HA starts providing support (usually on a long term basis).

During the early stages of their operations, many of the children at their partner orphanages are in primary education meaning that their education costs are not too high and so HA helped build better infrastructure, provided food as well as funding for education. Later, as the children grow older, the aid transitions to helping them primarily in their education costs for secondary educations in vocational training, college, university and even medical school. The organization has been operating since 2010.

Project background
In 2018, some of the orphanages HA worked with in India are

Project description
In 2018-2019 GKF will provide support to HA for helping Aum Pranava Ashram and Saraswati Anath Shikshan Ashram.