Food for Life Vrindavan
Organization background

Food For Life Vrindavan (FFLV) is a charitable organization that operates in Vrindavan and provides education to many low income girls. They run 3 schools in the area — two of the schools, Sandipani Muni School (Kindergarten till 8th grade) and Sandipani Muni Inter College (9th till 12th grade) are located close to each other. The third school, also called Sandipani Muni School (Kindergarten till 10th grade) is in another location, approximately 4 kms from these 2 schools. In total, there are 1404 girls, and the school provides transportation for all of them.
After they finish schooling, the girls are encouraged to go to college, and FFLV finds sponsors to support their college education. Currently there are 93 FFLV school grads enrolled in college.

The main source of funding for FFLV's operations are individual sponsors all over the world. Sponsors contribute to one of two programs, an education sponsorship and a college sponsorship. The Girl's Education Sponsorship Program covers the cost of education at the Sandipani Muni Schools, nutritious meals, school supplies, books, uniforms and medical care. The sponsorship program also includes a contribution to the ‘Save the Girls Fund’, a financial incentive to prevent child marriage.
The college sponsorship program (FFLV University Education Program) provides books, uniforms, stationary, covers the cost of college fees and sometimes transportation for the college student.

Project background

As with any large organization, software is essential to keep track of all the activities and operations of the organization. FFLV outgrew their software program's capacity to measure organization effectiveness, manage sponsor and donor information, track the overall progress of the girls, and prepare fundraising reports because of the increase in enrollment and donors. The new program will provide greater visibility into student progress and demographics; sponsorship; wait—list management; grant management; tracking alumni and potential sponsor information.

GKF contributions to FFLV