Brighter Bites NYC
Organization background

Brighter Bites (BB) runs a data-driven, evidence-based program that encourages healthy eating, cooking, shopping practices and healthy behaviors among children and families, while increasing access to nutritious foods.

BB is a USDA SNAP-Ed and CDC-approved evidence-based intervention that has served over 8,600 students and 6,500 families a year by forming strong, collaborative partnerships with over 17 schools in NYC. They partner with school sites for three consecutive years, ensuring that healthy habits become deeply rooted across the community. These comprehensive steps significantly increase fruit and vegetable consumption and improve students' and families' eating, cooking, and shopping skills.

Project background

BB started their NYC program in 2017 in response to studies that indicated that 39% of children in NYC public schools from kindergarten through 8th grade were overweight of had obesity. Additionally, because of systemic barriers and socioeconomic factors, such as food insecurity and limited access to nutritional foods, the rate of obesity is even higher among some demographic groups.

The three pillars of their program are

GKF contributions to BB